Enhancing School Data Protection and Safeguarding with GDPRiS
Schools are increasingly challenged to maintain compliance with data protection regulations, whilst maintaining robust safeguarding practices. To help address these these challenges, The Prince Regent Street Trust implemented the GDPRiS platform to enhance their monitoring of breaches and cyber security incidents, Subject Access Requests (SARs), and Freedom of Information (FOI) requests across its schools.
Before adopting GDPRiS, the Trust struggled with cumbersome processes for logging and managing incidents and maintaining compliance with GDPR regulations across multiple schools.
As a new member of the team, I found existing systems confusing and difficult to navigate, which hindered our ability to respond to incidents promptly and efficiently.
The GDPRiS platform transformed our approach to data protection. Its user-friendly interface simplified the maintenance of the Record of Processing Activities (RoPA) for each school, making it easier to keep track of Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) and other critical documentation related to our digital platforms.
One of the standout features of GDPRiS is its accessibility. All members of the SLT can now identify and record data breaches effortlessly during daily 'walk arounds,' using any device. This flexibility proved invaluable, particularly in light of the KCSIE guidance.
Following the rollout of GDPRiS, we expanded access to all SLTs, empowering them to take a proactive approach to breach reporting. This initiative not only enhanced our compliance but also embedded data protection practices into our safeguarding framework, ensuring that every leader is equipped to handle data-related issues promptly.
The transformation brought about by GDPRiS has been remarkable. The system has become a core component of our daily operations, with all team members finding it easy to navigate and manage their responsibilities related to data protection. Feedback across the Trust highlights not only improved compliance but also a greater awareness among staff regarding the importance of safeguarding student data.
The integration of the GDPRiS platform within our Trust has significantly streamlined our processes for monitoring breaches and incidents, managing requests, and maintaining a robust framework for data protection. With the tools at their fingertips, our SLTs can confidently uphold our commitment to safeguarding students, turning data protection from a challenge into a key element of our educational mission.
If you would like to find out more about how GDPRiS can help your Trust embed data protection and further enhance your safeguarding efforts, book a call with our team today!
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